Core Capabilities
Your digital footprint extends far beyond the boundaries of the data center — and the capabilities of a traditional reseller. Flywheel Data can design and deliver solutions for data center and cloud — along with the unique challenges of tactical edge environments.

With deep expertise across all three domains, Flywheel Data delivers integrated solutions that meet your needs—no matter where your operational demands take you—from edge and tactical deployments, to the data center, or to the cloud. Whether you need help with a public, private, or hybrid cloud deployment, Flywheel Data can accelerate your efforts and ensure success.
Cloud Infrastructure and Mobilization
With extensive experience in hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), enterprise storage, network performance management, and tactical edge computing, Flywheel Data can address all your private, public, and hybrid cloud needs.
Cyber Security
Our cyber security expertise includes: network and perimeter, application, data, endpoint, mobile, and cloud security enabling us to help protect data center, cloud, and edge environments.
Cloud Native Applications
Flywheel Data experts can help you on the path to application modernization with containers, Kubernetes, and SecDevOps methods, providing guidance throughout your journey.
Procurement & Logistics
Flywheel Data combines logistics expertise with a deep understanding of all procurement methods to deliver superior attention to detail and execution on procurements of all types and sizes. We provide order tracking, secure shipping, secure supply chain, and more.
Emerging Technology
Continued investment in Flywheel Labs (FD Labs) ensures that we stay up to date with the latest hardware and software trends. We help research, test, and deploy cutting edge solutions to address critical requirements and tackle the most challenging problems.
Experienced in all aspects of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL), Flywheel Data can ensure your data science team has the right platforms and tools to build, train, and deploy sophisticated data models.
3 Environments FlyWheel Thrives In
If you are using or planning to use AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or some other cloud. Count on Flywheel Data to make sure you workloads, apps, and data function correctly and securely.
Our spectrum of experience with on-premise data center infrastructure ranges from the world’s most demanding High Performance Computing environments -to- some of the largest data storage environments in the world (and everything else in between).
Whether your mission is protecting our nation in a forward deployed environment or drilling for oil in the middle of the ocean. Flywheel Data understands edge environments and will support your IT requirements in a ship, plane, humvee, tent, desert, mountain, oil rig, etc…

Our Specialties
- Cloud & Infrastructure Modernization
- Cyber Security
- Cloud native Applications
- Emerging Technology
- Procurement & Logistics
Additional Resources
Contact Us
Flywheel Data
Phone: (703) 647-4137
Email: info@flywheeldata.com